Day 3 part 3

Introduction to Zbrush Digital Tutors

Subdividing Geometry

– Subdivision tools are found under Tool > Geometry.

– Tool > Geometry > Divide or Ctrl + D adds one subdivision layer to the active tool.

– Move up one subdivision layer using or move down one subdivision layer using Shift + D. You can also use the SDiv slider or the Higher Res / Lower Res buttons.

Use the divide button to add subdivision layers that can be moved between using the slider or buttons.

Use the divide button to add subdivision layers that can be moved between using the slider or buttons.

– use the Del Lower / Del Higher to delete subdivision layers. The layers are relative to the current layer.

– Tool > Geometry > Smt smooths the mesh when subdivision layers are added. If this option is turned off polygons are added but the shape of the mesh is not changed.

Turning the Smt modifier off when subdividing adds polygons without changing the shape of the mesh.

Turning the Smt modifier off when subdividing adds polygons without changing the shape of the mesh.

– if the first subdivision layers are added without Smt, then the top layer is added with Smt some smoothing will be added to lower subdivision layers.

– Ztools retain their subdivision layers.

– Low Subdivision models are needed for creating Normal Maps from High Subdivision models.

Tool > Geometry > Freeze Subdivision Levels can be used to retain subdivision information when carrying out operations that normally need a mesh with no subdivision levels.

Day 1 Part 2

Introduction to Zbrush Digital Tutors

Getting Started

– click the large tool icon in the tool palette to open the menu of current tools available. Any meshes that have been imported or created during the project will appear here.

a list of primitives as well as any meshes that have been imported from elsewhere or created during the project.

a list of primitives as well as any meshes that have been imported from elsewhere or created during the project.

– once a tool is selected, drag and release to drop an instance onto the canvas. Although these instances appear 3D and have depth, they are effectively 2D drawings and cannot be edited.

– Ctrl + N clears the canvas of any information.

– press  or select the edit button to manipulate the mesh as a 3D object.

– LMB+drag off the mesh to rotate the view

Alt + LMB off the mesh to pan around the canvas

– Alt + LMB, followed by releasing Alt without releasing LMB allows for zooming the view by dragging forward and backwards.

– turn the floor on and off using the floor button on the right shelf.

– switch between perspective and orthographic views using the perspective button on the right shelf.

use the floor and perspective buttons to disable the floor and switch between perspective and orthographic views.

use the floor and perspective buttons to disable the floor and switch between perspective and orthographic views.

– primitive meshes can’t be sculpted; trying to select a brush and sculpting will result in a pop-up. Use the Make PolyMesh3D button to convert the primitive to an editable polymesh.

use the Make PolyMesh3D button to convert primitive objects into polymeshes that can be sculpted.

use the Make PolyMesh3D button to convert primitive objects into polymeshes that can be sculpted.

– Ctrl + D adds a subdivision layer, allowing for finer sculpting with more polygons. You can also click the divide button under the tool > geometry sub-palette.

– use the SDiv slider to switch between subdivision layers. Found under the tool > geometry sub-palette.

Use the divide button and SDiv slider to add and move between subdivision layers.

Use the divide button and SDiv slider to add and move between subdivision layers.

– use the History slider to undo / redo changes to the model.

– if you deselect edit mode, press Ctrl + N to clear the canvas then re-draw the mesh and press to continue editing the mesh.

– to save out the model use the Save as button to save the model as a Ztool (.ztl).