Day 6 part 2

Introduction to Zbrush Digital Tutors

Working with Subtools

– The Subtool sub-palette is found under the Tool Menu.

– Subtools can be selected from the menu, or navigated through using the selection arrowsSubtools can be re-ordered using the order arrows.

Subtools can be found in the tool palette, and can be navigated and ordered.

Subtools can be found in the tool palette, and can be navigated and ordered.

– Subtools can be named using the Rename button; make sure to organise subtools in complex models with good names.

– Tool > Subtool > All Low / All High allows you to view all the subtools at their highest or lowest subdivision levels.

Tool > Subtool > Duplicate creates a new copy of the active subtool in the same position.

– Subtools can be deleted, either with the Delete button which deletes the active subtool or the Del Other which deletes all subtools apart form the active subtool. Neither of these operations can be undone.

The subtool palette contains options for organising, naming and deleting subtools.

The subtool palette contains options for organising, naming and deleting subtools.

– The Tool > Subtool > Split sub-menu contains options to make new subtools from existing geometry:

– Split to similar parts turns any similar geometry into a new subtool. This is useful when using the InsertMesh brush for example adding lots of bolts to a model.

– Split to parts turns and similar geometry into individual subtools. This is useful for individually modifying instances of a common mesh eg teeth.

– Splitting a model into multiple subtools allows you to get a much higher polygon count on the overall model as each subtool has its own subdivision levels.

Subtools can also be merged using the Tool > Subtool > Merge sub-menu. This operation cannot be undone so use with caution!

– Tools can be added in as new subtools on an existing model using Tool > Subtool > Append. 3D models can be imported in first using Tool > Import.

Other tools can be added to a model as subtools using the append button.

Other tools can be added to a model as subtools using the append button.

– the Zplugin Subtool Master features many options for manipulating subtools. Mirror allows for mirroring and duplicatingsubtool over the X, Y or Z axis. SUbtools may be appended as new subtools or part of an existing subtool.

Subtools can be mirrored using the subtool master, which also contains other options for manipulating subtools.

Subtools can be mirrored using the subtool master, which also contains other options for manipulating subtools.

Subtool visibility can be manipulated using the eye icon in the subtool menu; turning the eye off means only the active subtool will be visible. Other subtools can then be switched on and off using the eye on that subtool.  Alternatively, Transform > Solo also achieves this function.

Subtool visibility can be modified in the subtool menu pr by using the solo mode

Subtool visibility can be modified in the subtool menu pr by using the solo mode

– Alt + LMB on a subtool on the canvas to instantly switch to that subtool.

Day 5 part 2

Introduction to Zbrush Digital Tutors

Adding Materials

– The material palette is found on the left shelf and contains 2 types of materialStandard materials which apply an effect to the model and MatCap materials which simulate specific real-world materials.

the materials palette conatains 2 types of material that can be applied to models to change the appearance.

the materials palette conatains 2 types of material that can be applied to models to change the appearance.

– materials can be polypainted onto a mesh: apply a material then use the M channel to paint on the mesh; when the main material is changed the painted material will remain. Because this is polypainting the border between the materials will be sharp.

materials can be polypainted onto a model using the M channel.

materials can be polypainted onto a model using the M channel.

– To apply a material to the model use the Colour > Fill Object command; the model will keep its material even when a new one is selected in the material palette.

– The Material palette contains ways to modify materials. Common options include Ambient which produces a glowing appearance and Diffuse which affects the brightness of the diffuse colour.

Material > Modifiers > Diffuse Curve can be used to modify the way the colour reacts to the direction of the light, eg have the colour darker on the light-facing side of the model.

The modifiers subpalette contains many options for changing how the material reacts to light

The modifiers subpalette contains many options for changing how the material reacts to light

– Material > Modifiers > Specular affects how shiny the material is. Specular Curve can be altered to affect where the material reflects light.

– Once a material has been modified, open the Material Palette to save or copy the material. You can also load new materials.

Modified materials can be saved and copied through the material palette

Modified materials can be saved and copied through the material palette

– MatCap materials have different options from standard materials in the Modifiers subpalette.

– Material > Wax Modifier creates a subsurface effect on the material. Use the Wax Modifier > Strength to increase the appearance of the effect.

Wax Modifier contains options for creating a subsurface effect on the material.

Wax Modifier contains options for creating a subsurface effect on the material.

– If you wish to reset the material on the model you can either do a new FillObject or use the Zplugin Subtool Master; select then reselect colour and material and it will totally reset the model, allowing for quick switching between materials without needing to use FillObject.

Use the Zplugin Subtool master's Fill option to reset the material assignments on the model.

Use the Zplugin Subtool master’s Fill option to reset the material assignments on the model.